Women of the Moose
Sellersville Chapter No. 471, Women of the Moose, was instituted on November
30, 1920 with forty-six members on the Charter. The first officers were:
Past Regent: Emma Gehman
Senior Regent: Flora Rosenthal
Jr. Regent: Viola Wagner
Chaplain: Mary Bacorn
Recorder: Hannah Koch
Treasurer: Elizabeth Horn
Guide: Miriam Koch
Asst. Guide: Ella Kramer
Sentinel: Virginia Rehrig
Argus: Ida Maugle (Gerhart)
Pianist: Pearl YostThe Invitation of Loyal Order of Moose for the dedication November 19, 1921 was accepted and the Recorder wrote to them that we would take part in the program for that day. (The Sellersville High School Orchestra furnished music for their first banquet and dancing afterward.)
Emma Gehman Flora Rosenthal Viola Wagner Mary Bacorn Hannah Koch Elizabeth Horn Miriam Koch Ella Kramer Edna Evanson Florence Gardner Margaret Hangey Kathryn Kellar Anna Lawrence Florence Miller Clara Miller Sallie Moyer | Lizzie Sprenkel Henrietta Smith Ida Slemmer Sarah Stutzman Kathryn Shelly Elizabeth Steele Mary Wentzel Eva Weeks Virginia Rehrig Ida Maugle Stella Barndt Hannah Bealer Ella Bastian Carrie Clunk Lauretta Donnelly Ellen Stinley | Ella Nace Barbara Petrie Annie Pinnel Marian Renner Kathryn Rausch Lottie Rausch Elsie Anwiler Elizabeth Lentz Sadie Hendricks Laura Conrad Ida Hartman Elizabeth Alexander Irene Vogt Anna Rohl |